Tricks to Avoiding Water Damage

As a homeowner in Sandypoint, ID, you already know that you do not want to deal with any water damage in your home. However, even though you may not want water damage to happen in your home, that doesn’t mean it will not. Instead of hoping for it not to happen, you should use these tricks to avoiding water damage from The Insurance Shop USA.

  • Never pour grease down your sink. You may have thought this was an old wives tale but it is true. Never pour it down even with hot or cold water. It can lead to buildup and eventually blockages that can cause your pipes to burst. 
  • Watch where you plant trees. Even if you want them in a specific spot, you need to be aware of any underground pipes that may be around. The roots from the trees will not be an issue immediately but they will eventually so you need to be careful where you plant and ensure the trees are far enough away from the pipes. 
  • Keep a close eye on your water bill. You should know how much you normally pay for water so if your bill ever increases when your usage hasn’t, you need to inspect for any small leaks. 

One of the best tricks to being prepared for water damage since you cannot prevent it completely is to get a home insurance policy that includes a water damage clause. If you do not already have one, be sure to reach out to The Insurance Shop USA serving Sandypoint, ID for a free quote and to explore options. If you do have one, let them look at your current policy to ensure you are not paying too much and that you do not have any gaps in coverage.