Are You Grilling The Safest Way Possible?

How often do you grill and not pay any attention to the safety aspects? Many people grill in Sandypoint, ID throughout the year. When you’re one of them, it’s important to be a responsible homeowner and follow a few safety points.

One of the most important aspects is where your grill is located. You want to keep it at least 20 feet away from your home, and if you live in a condominium or apartment, there may be additional rules as to where the grill needs to be before you light it.

You also want to make sure that the grill is clean before you begin to use it. If there is a lot of caked on food or grease, it can lead to flare-ups and even uncontrollable flames. A strong wire brush should do the trick.

If you want to use nonstick spray, be sure to do so before you light the grill. Otherwise, you could experience a significant flame.

The flames are live and you want to be careful. Embers can fly out and that is why you don’t want to have anything flammable too close to the grill, such as patio furniture, towels, or anything else. Keeping a fire extinguisher nearby is also a best practice so that if there is a fire, you have the ability to put it out quickly.

If you use gas for your grill, inspect the tank for leaks periodically and be sure to close the valve when you are done grilling for the day.

When you are ready to put the grill away, be sure everything has cooled down. Charcoal briquettes need to be cool before you dispose of them, and the grill needs to be cool before you put any kind of cover on top of it.

Be safe when grilling. When you want to explore affordable homeowners insurance, contact us at The Insurance Shop USA.