Regular Maintenance Basics

Living in Sandpoint, ID, your car is exposed to all types of weather. Proper maintenance will ensure that your vehicle consistently performs its best at all times, no matter what the temperature or weather condition. The agents at The Insurance Shop USA can offer tried and true maintenance tips to help you keep your car in top shape.

Engine and Drivetrain Maintenance

Maintaining your engine is essential if you want your car to last. This includes changing the oil every 3,000 to 5,000 miles and keeping a close on your coolant, brake fluid, and transmission fluid. When you take your car in for an oil change, have your entire engine checked to make sure everything is functioning as it should. This includes your fuel injectors and all of the electrical components.

Tire Maintenance

Your tires are extremely important, especially in the winter when snow and ice may be on the roads and highways. Always make sure the tires are at the proper air pressure. This will give you maximum traction and also help to improve your gas mileage. It’s also important to check your tires’ tread occasionally. Bald areas where the tread is completely gone or areas in which there is very little tread left are indicators that new tires are needed.

The agents at The Insurance Shop USA are always available to discuss all of your auto insurance needs. If you live in the Sandpoint, ID area, call and talk to one of their reputable agents today. They can review your policy to make sure you have just what you need and also provide you with maintenance tips to help you keep your car in good condition for years to come. Call today!