Rental Car Options in Sandypoint, Indiana

Located in the heart of Idaho, Sandypoint allows it’s residents to lake Pend Orielle and all the beautiful surrounding rocky mountain wildlife the state has to offer. So visiting friends and family will probably want a car to drive, to explore the countryside themselves, so they aren’t relying on you to drive them around. Below are some rental car options in Sandypoint, Idaho, all with different pros and cons.


Renting a car at the airport or a local car rental place near Sandypoint is probably the simplest option, but can be expensive. Sure, they can rent a car for a low day rate, but they will have to turn down the insurance on the vehicle.  This is usually a bad idea in general, due to the winding mountain roads in this part of Idaho. The inclement weather can be hazardous and dangerous to drive in and the wildlife that could always dart out in front of them. Accidents in a rental car without coverage can be quite expensive and then there’s the tacked on the cost of gas, to boot.


A taxi or a private driver is another option though this is undoubtedly the most expensive way to get around Sandypoint, Idaho, as they’ll be hiring not only the car but the driver. That said, they won’t be directly paying for gas or having to worry about getting into an accident, so it may be the best way to get around the area if they can afford it.


Allowing friends and family to borrow your car may be best for your visitors as it’s probably the cheapest and most efficient. However, it could put you in a problematic situation if they happen to have an accident, as your auto insurance may not cover them and you will suddenly be at fault for allowing them to drive. So check your auto insurance policy and consider getting a new one through The Insurance Shop USA, who serves the Sandypoint, Idaho area to make sure visitors borrowing your vehicle will be covered.